Ideal for use in data center monitoring, remote sites, and industrial controls, the AlertWerks Variable Length SNMP Temp/Humidity Sensor is designed to record accurate temperature and humidity sensor data and provide advanced warnings of temperature and humidity fluctuations that can potentially damage sensitive equipment.
In situations where both temperature and humidity can be critical, you can monitor the current conditions using this sensor. Combining temperature and humidity into one sensor frees up an additional intelligent sensor port on your base unit. The combined sensor only takes a single port, saving you space for more sensors. The sensor is compatible with the AlertWerks Gateway base units and is powered by one of these base units. Housed in a metal tube that is thermally conductive and perforated to still provide accurate readings, the sensor includes a 5-foot cable that can be extended using standard CAT5 up to 300 meters (1,000 feet) from the base unit. The sensor can be mounted with screws, adhesive, or optional DIN rail clips. The sensor features a built-in calibration check. Each unit has two calibrated and certified temperature sensors. The primary sensor value is checked by the secondary sensor, and if it detects a range of greater than the stated accuracy it alerts that the sensor is out of calibration. This sensor is perfect for situations where a high degree of accuracy is required and assurance of the calibration state. Setup is simple with the auto-sense function. Once plugged into an intelligent sensor port, the base unit automatically detects the presence of the sensor and configures it for you. |